Mumbai before a British woman at a bus stop, an unidentified person was masturbation. In this case, the woman said in the blog. The Indians responded in a big way. She apologized to the country occurred.
Her visit to India. After that he continued concern regarding the blog she wrote about had happened. This, in support of her Indians. He apologized on behalf of the Indians led to her messages.
Lucy Hemmings (27) said .. India's women, men, and many of the countless messages sent to him, read his blog, said they sent them to ask for forgiveness.
The above incident, I apologize on behalf of my country say that the person wrote.
"During our visit to the country was a very traumatic experience such a thing to you," he wrote to one another.
It is a matter of shame, the other a written pardon.
Meanwhile, Lucy Hemmings arrived in India for a three-month tour. Well yukeku the back, he wrote a blog about the bitter experience of the obstacles.
The man who was sitting close to her when she was in Mumbai for a bastapulo did so. She said she suffered from panic similar to them.