Jamba Lakidi Pamba

San fansisco transgender ( magavarulaga women, men adavarulaga switch ), a female garbhandalci a adasisuvuku had undergone Thomas Beattie.

According to ABC News, the news agency ... Thomas Beattie, a local hospital said the girl prasavincinatlu.Adasisuvu that natural childbirth birth of a healthy, beautiful, attractive, said that the ABC company.

Transgender male Thomas changed by the birth of a girl is born, married to Nancy. The birth of the baby through the birth of her children, but Thomas decided to spur the exchange of the harmonies.

Nancy Thomas agreed with the decision, he gave his female hormones. Thomas garbadharanaku hormones in the body, leading to even put her in advance. Thus, besides the creation of the worldwide sensation Thomas pregnancy, gave birth to the girl shocked everyone. 


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