In Telugu cinema, Akkineni Nageswara Rao is considered as the first romantic hero. Later his son, Nagarjuna took the place with his ‘Manmadhudu’ tag in Tollywood. Now, Akhil Akkineni is following the footsteps of his father and grandfather as he is set to take the romantic hero title away from his father Nagarjuna.
Akhil’s debut is being directed by VV Vinayak and Dilip Kumar’s granddaughter Sayesha Saigal is the leading lady for the yet to be titled movie.
The latest buzz surrounding the movie is that Akhil will be sharing a steamy lip-lock with Sayesha and VV Vinayak, who is known for his high-voltage action movies, is choosing a new genre with this movie. The movie is said to be a romantic yet action entertainer packed with perfect comedy entertainment.