KFC Serves our Customer's RAT FRY


Devorise Dixon on June 12 posted a shocking image on social networking site Facebook. Dixon's post, which has become viral on social media, raised many questions regarding hygiene issues in KFC. Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) has been accused of serving "fried rat", instead of "fried chicken."

The customer's post on Facebook read, "WENT BACK TO KFC YESTERDAY AND SPOKE TO THE MANAGER SHE SAID IT IS A RAT AND APOLOGIZED, IT'S TIME FOR A LAWYER!!! BE SAFE DON'T EAT FAST FOOD !!!" Along with one picture of the "fried rat", Dixon also uploaded a video on the social networking site. The KFC outlet, where Dixon had ordered the "fried chicken", but was served "fried rat", is at Wilmington and 120th in Compton, California.


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