Mukesh Ambani, the richest in the country. Samrat also say that not just the rich. A survey conducted by the prestigious Forbes magazine, and several of the country's richest businessman climb to the top of the list. Despite what these people .. and it will change the desired sensation.
Ambani in Mumbai, a car registered to date. He literally paid the amount of the car registration fee .. Rs. 1.6 million !! He recently bought a BMW 7 Series car. In general, according to the terms of the registration fee will amount to 20 percent of a vehicle, said an employee of the department.
Thus, the car is worth around Rs 8 crore. However, it could not only the cost of the car, it would have made other arrangements will also increase the cost. This is completely bullet-proof BMW car. Its chassis? Along with glasses, there is no effect on the attack and no weapons.
Ambani BMW 760 i actually bought a car costing Rs. 1.9 crore. But the bullet made in Germany? .. Other facilities including proof of its worth. Was 8.5 million, hence the registration fee has also increased. This car was specially made to order in Germany.